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Move: Choreographing You

by melissamongiat · 0 comments

in Fun,Inspiring examples,Senses

How can choreography lift a participatory experience? Move: Choreographing You at the Hayward Gallery, London, showcases the influence of dance on contemporary arts since the 60ies, in an open format for anyone to take part.

The show is very much like a playful choreography workshop. Different tools and set ups invite visitors to explore new ways to move and experience space. Some dance students warm up the air for participation. Guides are also present to help you through a variety of performances. Feel the anxiety of squeezing in Bruce Nauman narrow ‘Green Light Corridor’, test your agility crossing William Forsythe’s ‘The Fact of Matter’, a forest of suspended rings, or challenge your equilibrium while playing with Bodyspacemotionthings, a set of sculptures by Robert Morris…

Everything is in place to have visitors transformed into dancers. Plus, the exhibition is beautifully designed, with giant folded paper sculpture by Amanda Levete Architects that punctuate the visit.

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