An excellent way of turning loyal customers into a visible community – This cafe does not have loyalty cards, they’ve got a loyalty wall. Located in Dalston, London Tina We Salute you is an extremely cozy cafe / gallery. They’re great for food, art, atmosphere and their loyalty wall is a reflection of their warm vibe.
How it works -
If you’re a coffee drinker you get your name on the wall and a star next to it every time you order a coffee. After 10 stars, you get a free coffee and graduate to a new round of red outlines, then blue, and it goes on… till there is the exclusive gold and the über exclusive platinum on the tiny section right near the coffee machine.
Why don’t they run out of space? Well they’re not precious. If you don’t show up for a while and just aren’t active, they’ve got a handy bucket of wall-colored paint and aren’t squeamish about painting over any slow movers for the newbies.
It’s a highly visible and endearing reward system with a hint of competition which gets people curious and wanting to join. With all of it’s patrons showcased, it’s something of a family picture.